The Abstract for the conference should

  • engage the reader by telling him or her what your paper is about and why they should read it;
  • have a title that is short and catchy;
  • include content that makes a clear statement of the topic of your paper and your research question;
  • describe how your research was/is being undertaken;
  • briefly describe the work to be discussed in your paper and,
  • give a concise summary of the findings.



1. Abstract topic – abstracts must be aligned to a specific theme, topic and sub-topic as listed in the conference website. For a complete listing go to

2. Author’s & co-authors details

  • Email address
  • Full postal address
  • Phone/mobile number
  • Affiliation details
    (Please note that the submitting author will receive all correspondence about the abstract)

3. Abstract format & content

  • Abstract title
  • Abstract text – limited to 250 words
  • Abstract layout - abstracts must be submitted with the following sections: - Objectives - Methods - Results - Conclusions

4. All abstracts should be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.